
Kubernetes Infra SIG: Intro and Updates


Authors:   Arnaud Meukam, Davanum Srinivas


The presentation discusses the Kubernetes infrastructure project and its focus on cost optimization and multi-cloud approach to provide CI for the community.
  • The Kubernetes infrastructure project relies on donations from cloud providers such as GCP and AWS to bootstrap infrastructure.
  • The project is working on a multi-cloud approach to provide CI for the community and ensure compatibility and conformance with other projects in the CNCF landscape.
  • The project is also working with third parties such as Fastly to provide access to different services.
  • Contributor experience is handled by the SIG Contributor Experience, which has full ownership of moderation on different communication platforms.
  • The project is unable to directly talk to cloud providers and relies on the CNCF to interact with them.
The project had to focus on cost optimization due to the high cost of rendering infrastructure, which is currently being addressed through donations from different cloud providers. The project is also working on extending its infrastructure to other cloud providers to ensure a multi-cloud approach.


The Kubernetes Infrastructure Special Interest Group (SIG) will give in this talk an overview of the group's advancements and improvements during the previous 12 months. The SIG is focused on improving and advancing the infrastructure that supports the Kubernetes ecosystem, including topics such as artifacts distribution and contributor experience. Overall, this lecture will give participants insightful information about the most recent advancements in this significant part of the Kubernetes ecosystem, as well as updates on those advancements. It will also help to determine the future course of Kubernetes infrastructure development.


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