
Keynote: CNCF Project Updates - Jasmine James, Senior Engineering Manager


Authors:   Ricardo Rocha, Emily Fox, Jasmine James


Updates on various CNCF projects were presented at a conference, highlighting their recent accomplishments and improvements.
  • Chaos Mesh has released two new versions with over 60 adopters and is developing a daily reporting system for improved system resilience.
  • Knative has reached version 1.0 and is being used by an emerging company in the supply chain security space.
  • Argo has focused on security for over six months, resulting in better documentation and a more robust code base.
  • Flux has undergone a security audit and made enhancements to the project, with large private and public companies adopting it.
  • Longhorn has released version 1.2.4 with improved scalability and features, and is seeing adoption by other open source projects.
  • Open Telemetry has had a wave of generally available release candidates launching this week.
  • Helm has released support for OCI registry and Karen Chu has joined the org as a maintainer.
  • Contributors are needed for all projects, and individuals are encouraged to get involved by reaching out to the project teams.
One of the projects, Chaos Mesh, has been integrated by multiple adopters and is showing the possibility of self-service and cloud native. An adopter built their own application for better observation using Chaos Mesh and wrote a tutorial on it, which is exactly the type of community the project team was hoping to build.


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