
Locknote: Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Black Hat Europe 2019

Conference:  BlackHat EU 2019



The Locknote session at Black Hat Europe 2019 discussed the key takeaways and future trends in the InfoSec community.
  • The Locknote session was a conversation between Black Hat Founder Jeff Moss and members of the Black Hat Review Board.
  • The Review Board spends hundreds of hours reading through submissions to determine which talks to bring to the stage.
  • There was a growth in vendors becoming more transparent and participating in Black Hat talks.
  • Regulations such as GDPR may be driving the level of transparency in the industry.
  • Consumers are now expecting security in their products, similar to the iPhone's reputation for security.
The Review Board spends a lot of time discussing the submissions and their potential impact. For example, they discussed how the O'Day vulnerability could do a lot of damage on the internet. They also shared that in the past, graduating students from European universities would submit their last year's project, which would indicate their level of education. The Locknote session also discussed how BMW worked with Tencent to fix odors in their cars, which shows a recognition of the value in the cybersecurity community.


At the close of this year's conference, join Black Hat Founder Jeff Moss and members of the esteemed Black Hat Review Board for an insightful conversation on the most pressing issues facing the InfoSec community. This Locknote will feature a candid discussion on the key takeaways coming out of Black Hat Europe and how these trends will impact future InfoSec strategies.



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