
Locknote: Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Day 1

Conference:  BlackHat USA 2020



Locknote discussion on the most pressing issues facing the InfoSec community and the impact of these trends on future InfoSec strategies.
  • The responsibility for solving supply chain issues is unclear and complicated.
  • Offense is running away from the field and there is a lack of good metrics for aiding defense at scale.
  • Optimizing the human element in defense is a challenge and automation is crucial.
  • Defense is not as sexy as offense, leading to a lack of focus on defense strategies.
  • Feedback loops for defense are not as clear as those for offense.
  • Successful defense does not have the same impact as successful offense.
The speakers discussed the responsibility for solving supply chain issues and the lack of clarity on who is responsible. They also highlighted the lack of focus on defense strategies, as offense is seen as more exciting. The importance of automation in defense was emphasized, as well as the challenge of optimizing the human element in defense. The lack of clear feedback loops for defense was also discussed, with successful defense not having the same impact as successful offense.


At the end of day one of this year's virtual conference, join Black Hat Review Board members Chris Eng, Daniel Cuthbert, Marina Krotofil, and Natalie Silvanovich for an insightful conversation on the most pressing issues facing the InfoSec community. This Locknote will feature a candid discussion on the key takeaways from day one and how these trends will impact future InfoSec strategies.

