The presentation discusses the use of Kubernetes and Helm in a multi-cluster approach, as well as the integration of GitHub with Flux CD add-on. The speaker also touches on the importance of flexibility in implementing the OEM specification.
- Teams proficient with Kubernetes and Helm work well together, but onboarding new members can be challenging
- Multi-cluster approach involves creating a customized entity with standard CRDs and deploying Helm charts as components
- Flux CD add-on enables integration with GitHub and deployment of Helm charts as components
- Flexibility is important in implementing the OEM specification, as it defines the minimum requirements but allows for additional features to be added by the runtime
The speaker mentions that the problem with onboarding new members to proficient teams can be solved by providing templates to developers. This simplifies the process and allows developers to focus on creating and deploying their applications without needing to know all the particularities of Kubernetes and Helm.