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Authors: Daniel Higuero

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of Kubernetes and Helm in a multi-cluster approach, as well as the integration of GitHub with Flux CD add-on. The speaker also touches on the importance of flexibility in implementing the OEM specification.
  • Teams proficient with Kubernetes and Helm work well together, but onboarding new members can be challenging
  • Multi-cluster approach involves creating a customized entity with standard CRDs and deploying Helm charts as components
  • Flux CD add-on enables integration with GitHub and deployment of Helm charts as components
  • Flexibility is important in implementing the OEM specification, as it defines the minimum requirements but allows for additional features to be added by the runtime
Authors: Kim Schlesinger

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation is about using Terraform to create a Digital Ocean managed Kubernetes cluster as part of a GitOps workshop.
  • Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that automates provisioning infrastructure resources like VMs, managed databases, firewalls, or Kubernetes services.
  • The presenter demonstrates how to create a Digital Ocean managed Kubernetes cluster using Terraform.
  • The presenter explains the importance of using infrastructure as code tools in GitOps.
  • The audience is given step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Digital Ocean account, configure Doctor, and use Terraform to create a Kubernetes cluster.
  • An anecdote is not provided.