
Cilium Updates, News, Roadmap, and in the Wild


Authors:   Liz Rice, Richard Hartmann, Andy Allred


Cilium is a high-performance networking and security solution for Kubernetes that uses eBPF and is becoming the CNI of choice in the industry. The presentation covers updates, news, roadmap, and real-world use cases of Cilium.
  • Cilium is a popular networking and security solution for Kubernetes that uses eBPF and is becoming the CNI of choice in the industry.
  • Cilium provides high-performance load balancing, network policy, transparent encryption, and the ability to integrate multiple Kubernetes clusters and external workloads.
  • Hubble is the observability platform that gives visibility into individual network flows, aggregated metrics, service maps, and the ability to export all this metric information to various destinations.
  • Tetragon is the security observability subproject in Cilium that uses eBPF to instrument the kernel and give insight into security-relevant events.
  • Cilium is being adopted by all major cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • The presentation includes real-world use cases of Cilium from Isovalent, Grafana Labs, and Eficode.
  • Grafana Labs has developed a new Grafana app that allows users to get all the power of Hubble directly from within Grafana.
The speaker shared a story about how they helped a company set up an internal development platform using Cilium. The platform was based on Talos Kubernetes and Linux, and it allowed the company to run control plane nodes and worker nodes on-prem, in AWS, and in Azure, all as part of the same cluster. The speaker noted that this was an anti-pattern and a terrible idea, but it was necessary to fulfill the company's requirements. The speaker also mentioned that Cilium's multi-cloud capabilities had been very helpful in this project.


Welcome to Cilium! In this session you'll get an update on how Cilium has been progressing as a project and on the road towards graduation. You'll hear about the latest developments and future roadmap. We will cover how Cilium is bringin eBPF powered data to the world of observability and why Cilium has become the CNI of choice in the wild. In this session you'll hear from Cilium contributors and users Isovalent, Grafana Labs, and Eficode.


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