
Panel: Your Path To Non-code Contribution In The Kubernetes Community

Authors:   Matt Broberg, Kohei Ota, Kaslin Fields, Kat Cosgrove


Advice for contributing to the Kubernetes community in a non-code way
  • The Kubernetes community welcomes contributions from people with various skill sets, not just programmers
  • There are many subgroups within the community, such as SIGs, where people can contribute based on their interests and expertise
  • Product management, product marketing, and engineering management are also valuable skills in the community
  • Newcomers can reach out to community members for guidance and support in finding a place to contribute
  • Building a better community and improving tools is the ultimate goal
The speaker was surprised to find that the Kubernetes community included many beginners and people with non-programming backgrounds. They emphasized the importance of choosing a place to contribute based on personal interests and skills, and reaching out to community members for guidance. The speaker also noted that the Kubernetes community is one of the most social and welcoming tech communities they have been involved in.


Your first look at the Kubernetes community can be intimidating. This talk is here to reassure you: whatever skills you have, Kubernetes needs them. Our panel of contributors, new and old, will talk through their unique experiences and how you can get involved. We will talk through the specific ways non-code contribution helps Kubernetes be a fun, inclusive, and expanding community and how you can be part of it. We will highlight how SIG Contribution Experience is the "front door" to your experience and provide examples of the remarkable ways people show up for others in our community. Examples include spinning up a baking show, administrating communication tools, writing blog posts, and much more. If you have an hour a week or 8 hours a day, we'll help you spend your time wisely and see how valuable you are as a contributor.



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