
A Pathway to CNCF Citizenship - via Communitybridge

Authors:   Kenneth Owens, Darshan Chaudhary


The speaker discusses the importance of setting clear expectations and selecting the right mentees for a mentoring program. They emphasize the need for self-starters who are passionate about the project and willing to contribute to the community. The speaker also stresses the importance of providing thoughtful feedback and building a strong relationship with mentees beyond the program.
  • Select mentees who are self-starters and passionate about the project
  • Set clear expectations and explain the business problem and project goals
  • Provide thoughtful feedback and be open to questions and discussions
  • Build a strong relationship with mentees beyond the program
The speaker had about 12 mentees apply for their project and narrowed it down to six who they believed would be the best fit. They interviewed these individuals and discussed the project and expectations. One mentee, Dash, showed a passion for the project and quickly understood the goals. The speaker provided Dash with as much detail as possible and introduced them to the community. Dash worked hard on the project and contributed code back to the community. The speaker provided Dash with feedback and coaching, and they continued to meet even after the program ended.


In this session, we will share how you can use the importance of getting involved with the Community bridge internship program to start your contributor journey for the cncf projects. The speakers are Ken Owens, who mentored me on the internship and Darshan, the mentee in this program. Specifically, we will share how CB works, how to get selected etc. In the first half of the talk, Darshan will share the story from the mentee's point of view. He will discuss how he discovered the program, applied, and what the experience was after getting selected. Ken will share his story from the mentor's point of view. He will discuss how he vetted the candidates, what the mentors look out for in the applicants and finally , his experience providing mentorship during the course of the internship and beyond, and the value CB has on the enterprise. Hopefully you will be more encouraged to apply for community bridge after this talk!



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