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Authors: Flavio Castelli

tldr - powered by Generative AI

WebAssembly can be used to enhance the Kubernetes control plane by allowing for the creation of custom policies and rules that can be compiled into WebAssembly and distributed using container registries. This can eliminate the need for external web book servers and improve performance.
  • WebAssembly modules are placed inside their own sandbox, preventing interaction with other modules and access to the whole system
  • WebAssembly can be used to run standalone applications and build plugin systems
  • Dynamic admission controllers are a well-established mechanism in Kubernetes that can be used to evaluate incoming requests
  • Keyboard and is an open-source project that uses WebAssembly to compile policies and rules written in regular programming languages or Rego
  • WebAssembly can be used to extend the Kubernetes API server to allow for the creation of custom policies and rules without the need for external web book servers
  • The performance of WebAssembly needs to be investigated further
  • WebAssembly can also be useful in other areas of the Kubernetes ecosystem, such as cube ctl plugins
Authors: Alper Rifat Ulucinar

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The talk discusses the performance issues related to the API server when installing thousands of CRDs and how to troubleshoot them using profiling tools. It also provides insights into the mechanics of CRDs and tips for getting changes into upstream.
  • Custom resources are used to extend the K8s API server with a declarative API
  • Initial attempts to install thousands of CRDs revealed severe performance issues related to the API server
  • Profiling tools can be used to troubleshoot API server performance issues
  • Real world data can help pinpoint the root causes of scaling issues
  • Insights into the mechanics of CRDs are provided
  • Tips for getting changes into upstream and moving the ecosystem forward are shared
Authors: Lukas Gentele

Multi-tenancy is a hot topic in the Kubernetes community. A lot of operators have started to think about lowering cost and consolidating workloads in large, multi-tenant clusters rather than creating 1000s of micro-managed, small clusters. Namespaces are a great way to separate tenants in shared clusters. But what if tenants need to install their own CRDs, run workloads across multiple namespaces or even require different versions of the Kubernetes API server? Virtual clusters are an exciting new approach that extends namespace-based multi-tenancy to address such advanced use cases. At its core, virtual clusters let you run Kubernetes clusters on top of other Kubernetes clusters by provisioning isolated Kubernetes control planes for each tenant (i.e. separate Kube API server, data store (etcd), controller manager etc). This talk will explain how virtual clusters work, show what implementations are available today, and demonstrate fascinating, real-world use cases for virtual clusters.
Authors: Steve Wong, Nicholas Turner, Walter Fender

Cloud Provider code allows Kubernetes to run on top of different platforms. Originally, support for all variations was built directly into a K8s release. This brought bloat - a running cluster used only a subset of the code within the release. Also, any cloud specific bug fix or enhancement demanded a new full K8s release as a carrier. This will be a status report on removing the cloud provider code from the main Kubernetes repository. Significant early milestones were recently achieved: the API Server no longer needs the cloud provider library; SSHTunnels have been deleted. For each in-tree cloud provider, we will report on efforts, accomplishments, and roadmap for getting "out-of-tree". We’ll also discuss the plans to handle the speed bumps that are left - including interesting topics like multi-repo e2e testing and removing the cluster directory.