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Authors: Josh Grossman

2022 will be remembered as a milestone in the progression of the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) as well as the Mobile version (MASVS). Not only are two major releases in the pipeline for the end of the year (5.0 and 2.0 respectively) but this is also the year that industry stands up, takes notice and starts expecting more from applications, based on these standards.In this talk, the ASVS project leadership will take you through these key developments including what you should expect from the upcoming version 5.0 of the ASVS and how you can be involved in their final release. This will also be a chance to hear first-hand about a new programme where you will see the SVSs being more widely used and required and how you can prepare your organizations for this significant impact this will have, whether you are developing applications or you are assessing them.