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Authors: Carlos Panato, Adolfo García Veytia, Stephen Augustus

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The SIG Release team of Kubernetes is working on releasing the software less often and more securely. They have changed the release cadence to three releases per year and introduced fast forward in the last cycle. They are also working on making the software supply chain more secure by driving towards full SLSA compliance.
  • SIG Release is responsible for the release of Kubernetes and all the tooling around release engineering.
  • The team has changed the release cadence to three releases per year to make it more sustainable.
  • Fast forward was introduced in the last cycle to avoid conflicts during cherry picking.
  • The team is working on making the software supply chain more secure by driving towards full SLSA compliance.
  • They are also working on creating a roadmap and vision for SIG Release.
  • Maintainers of other projects under the Kubernetes organization are encouraged to attend the session to learn more about extending the SIG Release tools to their own releases.