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Authors: Alvin Estrada

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The speaker shares his experience of bringing DevOps to a Software Factory Company in Central America amidst challenges such as limited budget, resistance to change, and lack of English proficiency. The company's digital transformation journey involved implementing automation, cloud adoption, and agile methodologies, which led to a significant reduction in development and testing time. The speaker emphasizes the importance of team transformation and investment in training to cope with methodology adoption. He also highlights the need for documentation and an elite team to help with technology adoption. The speaker concludes by stressing the importance of doing things the right way and the absence of a silver bullet in digital transformation.
  • Central American companies face challenges such as limited budget, resistance to change, and lack of English proficiency in implementing digital transformation
  • DevOps culture involves implementing automation, cloud adoption, and agile methodologies
  • DevOps implementation led to a significant reduction in development and testing time
  • Team transformation and investment in training are crucial for methodology adoption
  • Documentation and an elite team are necessary for technology adoption
  • Doing things the right way is important in digital transformation
  • There is no silver bullet in digital transformation