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Authors: Maciej Mazur, Andreea Munteanu

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of secure MLOps in the life science industry, with a focus on protecting patient privacy and complying with industry standards.
  • Tokenization is used to protect patient privacy by changing personally identifiable information to a token based on a hardware security key.
  • Strict confinement features of micro-kubernetes distribution are used to ensure tamper-proof tokenization.
  • Confidential computing is used to expand local Kubernetes clusters in a safe way by creating a VM on a public cloud and utilizing open enclave and open source projects to configure the confidential compute and underlying hardware features.
  • The benefits of using public clouds for research use cases are discussed, including the ability to spike up capacity when training a bigger model.
  • The presentation emphasizes the importance of using secure MLOps to comply with industry standards and protect patient privacy.
Authors: Mritunjay Sharma, Shuting Zhao, Ruhika Bulani

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The panel discussion focuses on the intersection of Kyverno and DockerSlim in making Kubernetes workloads more secure.
  • Containers have become the norm as cloud adoption increases sharply.
  • Developers face challenges in making containers production-ready and secure.
  • Kyverno and DockerSlim are two projects that address these challenges.
  • Kyverno provides policies that act as a contract for shared environments like Kubernetes.
  • DockerSlim helps in minifying container images and automating the creation of AppArmor and SecComp profiles.
  • The combination of Kyverno and DockerSlim makes cluster security management easier and more efficient.