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Authors: Alexander Matyushentsev, Leonardo Luz Almeida

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Argo CD Core is a tool for cluster bootstrapping that allows administrators to manage system add-ons of clusters without the burden of SSO. It is recommended for cluster administrators who already have full access to all the clusters.
  • Argo CD Core is a tool for cluster bootstrapping
  • It allows administrators to manage system add-ons of clusters without the burden of SSO
  • It is recommended for cluster administrators who already have full access to all the clusters
Authors: Jonathan West, Kshama Jain

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Argo CD Application Sets can manage multiple Kubernetes clusters and deploy large numbers of applications from multiple repositories using templates and parameterization.
  • Argo CD and GitOps workflow are used to manage Kubernetes clusters with Git repositories as the source of truth.
  • Managing deployments of large numbers of applications/clusters with Argo CD requires complex custom scripting.
  • Argo CD ApplicationSet controller works alongside Argo CD to automatically generate Application deployments using templates and parameterization.
  • Application Sets can manage multiple Kubernetes clusters and deploy large numbers of applications from multiple repositories using templates and parameterization.
  • Application Sets are based on Argo CD applications and can be customized using data from external data sources.