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Authors: Jerome Kuptz, Ameen Radwan

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Cello is a Cloud agnostic tool that abstracts the nitty-gritty parts of deployment away from developers, allowing them to use tools like Jenkins and GitHub to create their resources or application code. The tool is designed to support multiple Cloud providers, but currently only supports AWS.
  • Cello was developed to support Intuit's 6,000 engineers who traditionally picked their own deployment mechanisms.
  • The tool abstracts the credential provider and token rotation processes away from developers.
  • Developers interact with Cello through tooling within Jenkins and an onboarding UI, and mostly interact with GitHub and their code.
  • Cello's long-term plan is to support multiple Cloud providers, but currently only supports AWS.
  • Future plans for Cello include a user interface for easier deployment and operation processes.