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Authors: Kate Mulhall, Emma Collins

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The presentation discusses the need for data center energy efficiency to combat the climate crisis and reduce carbon footprint. It highlights the impact of increasing data volumes and the need for better resource utilization through innovations and tooling for observability, orchestration, and management. The presentation also emphasizes the role of open-source contributors in promoting sustainability and introduces the CNCf Environmental Sustainability Working Group and Intel's initiatives in this space.
  • Data center energy efficiency is crucial to combat the climate crisis and reduce carbon footprint
  • Increasing data volumes require better resource utilization through innovations and tooling for observability, orchestration, and management
  • Open-source contributors can promote sustainability in everything they do
  • The CNCf Environmental Sustainability Working Group fosters an ecosystem of environmental sustainability projects, users, and maintainers
  • Intel is leading and driving activities in this space and has initiatives to increase efficiency and reach net-zero emissions