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Authors: Flynn, Alice Wasko, Lance Austin

Emissary-ingress, a CNCF Incubating project, is a self-service Kubernetes-native open-source API gateway and ingress controller built on the Envoy proxy -- but really, what does that mean? In this session, we'll give attendees an overview of why ingress controllers are necessary, how self-service developer workflows work for developers and for operations, and how Emissary-ingress can make all of this easier. We'll also look at current best practices around designing, managing, and evolving self-service APIs. We'll continue with a deeper dive into Emissary-ingress' evolution and future, notably including a discussion around plans for the upcoming getambassador.io/v3 API version, and - perhaps most importantly - how to get involved as a contributor or as a user who wants to offer feedback. This is a great opportunity to interact directly with the Emissary-ingress maintainers and make sure your voice is heard -- we're looking forward to your help as Emissary-ingress continues to grow and evolve!
Authors: Flynn, Luke Shumaker, Alice Wasko

Emissary-ingress, a CNCF Incubating project, is a self-service Kubernetes-native open-source API gateway and ingress controller built on the Envoy proxy -- but really, what does that mean? In this session, we'll give attendees an overview of why ingress controllers are necessary, how self-service developer workflows work for developers and for operations, and how Emissary-ingress can make all of this easier. We'll also look at current best practices around designing, managing, and evolving self-service APIs. We'll continue with a deeper dive into Emissary-ingress' evolution and future, notably including a discussion around plans for the upcoming getambassador.io/v3 API version, and - perhaps most importantly - how to get involved as a contributor or as a user who wants to offer feedback. This is a great opportunity to interact directly with the Emissary-ingress maintainers and make sure your voice is heard -- we're looking forward to your help as Emissary-ingress continues to grow and evolve!Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!