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Authors: Charles Adetiloye, Keith Mattix

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Kubeflow Metal is a new way of deploying Kubeflow onto a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal servers, providing a low friction, high velocity way to deploy an ML platform in an easy, experimental on-prem environment.
  • Kubeflow Metal is a terraform module that deploys Kubeflow on a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal servers
  • It is a cheaper alternative to cloud infrastructure with a fixed cost
  • It allows for quick bootstrapping of an ML environment or infrastructure for a team
  • Deployment is elastic and easily scalable
  • It can be used for plugging into a CI/CD process
  • It is useful for cases where data cannot be moved to the cloud, such as financial or insurance data
  • Kubeflow Metal is looking for people to help improve the project