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Authors: Aldo Culquicondor, Swati Sehgal

Swati and Aldo will show you the improvements that the WG Batch has promoted in Kubernetes, and the opportunities under discussion to better support batch workloads such as HPC, AI/ML, data-analytics, etc. Aldo will talk about improvements to the Job API around scale and failure policies and the roadmap to make the Job API the standard for batch applications. Aldo will also talk about the new release and roadmap for Kueue, a Kubernetes subproject that offers job queueing, to build a multitenant batch system. Swati will talk about developments around hardware resources management. This includes features to support specialized hardware in nodes, and enhanced scheduling capabilities like NUMA awareness. The WG Batch was created in 2022 to serve the demand from the ecosystem to better support batch applications in Kubernetes. The WG is composed of SIGs’ experts and developers from various communities, with the objective to set roadmaps and collaborate in designs and implementations