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Authors: Gian-Luca Frei

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The OS Replication Gateway is a standalone application that acts as a reverse proxy between web clients and backend services, providing out-of-the-box functionality for session management and login with a federated authentication provider. It decouples backend services from single sign-on integration, reducing complexity and allowing changes in the backend without affecting the front end. The gateway is configuration-based, transparent, and extendable, making it a good fit for small to large-scale systems.
  • The OS Replication Gateway is a standalone application that acts as a reverse proxy between web clients and backend services
  • It provides out-of-the-box functionality for session management and login with a federated authentication provider
  • It decouples backend services from single sign-on integration, reducing complexity and allowing changes in the backend without affecting the front end
  • The gateway is configuration-based, transparent, and extendable, making it a good fit for small to large-scale systems