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Authors: Vijay Samuel, Nick Pordash

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of profiling in DevOps to optimize code, reduce resource waste, and improve triage time.
  • Pyroscope UI allows for ad hoc profiling and comparison views
  • Profiles can help detect slow bleeds like memory leaks
  • Profiles can aid in root cause analysis and reduce time to triage
  • Profiles can help optimize code and reduce resource waste
Authors: Scott Nichols

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Cloud Events is a specification that aims to standardize the way events are produced and consumed across different systems and protocols.
  • Cloud Events consists of three main components: the Discovery API, the Subscription API, and the Schema Registry.
  • The Discovery API allows producers to specify the kinds of events they produce and the attributes that can be filtered on.
  • The Subscription API allows consumers to subscribe to a subset of events produced by a producer.
  • The Schema Registry provides a mechanism to describe the schema of the event payload.
  • Cloud Events aims to simplify eventing systems by providing SDKs that can adapt to different protocols, eliminating the need for custom glue code.
  • The ultimate goal of Cloud Events is to enable off-the-shelf components that can handle eventing, freeing up developers to focus on business logic.