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Authors: Klaus Deissner, Clemens Vasters

CloudEvents Discovery is a metadata document format and metadata API for creating, publishing, discovering, and connecting event flows. It defines a schema registry, a message and event catalog and an declarative model for defining producer, consumer, and subscriber endpoints. The core focus of CloudEvents Discovery is on providing a metaschema for CloudEvents, but the specification also defines metaschemas for AMQP and MQTT messages and is extensible for further metaschemas. In this session you will learn about CloudEvents discovery and the existing tooling, including code generators and transformation of endpoint information into AsyncAPI and OpenAPI.
Authors: Doug Davis

Since CloudEvents v1.0 was released the project has been focused on what other eventing-related pain-points might benefit from some standardization. In this session, after a quick recap of the CloudEvents specification itself, we'll discuss how we're trying to ease the challenges associated with the remaining portion of the lifecycle of event management. In particular, around discovery of event producers, setting up subscriptions and event verification - all in a programmatic and interoperable fashion.
Authors: Scott Nichols

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Cloud Events is a specification that aims to standardize the way events are produced and consumed across different systems and protocols.
  • Cloud Events consists of three main components: the Discovery API, the Subscription API, and the Schema Registry.
  • The Discovery API allows producers to specify the kinds of events they produce and the attributes that can be filtered on.
  • The Subscription API allows consumers to subscribe to a subset of events produced by a producer.
  • The Schema Registry provides a mechanism to describe the schema of the event payload.
  • Cloud Events aims to simplify eventing systems by providing SDKs that can adapt to different protocols, eliminating the need for custom glue code.
  • The ultimate goal of Cloud Events is to enable off-the-shelf components that can handle eventing, freeing up developers to focus on business logic.