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Authors: Ramiro Berrelleza, Uma Mukkara

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of incorporating chaos engineering into the development workflow for cloud-native applications using Litmus and Octeto on Kubernetes.
  • Litmus and Octeto are open-source tools that allow for the validation and verification of code resilience and application functionality on Kubernetes.
  • Chaos engineering should be incorporated into the development workflow to improve application quality and resilience.
  • Self-service portals and catalogs make it easy for developers to run chaos experiments and tests.
  • Running chaos experiments on ephemeral dev environments on Kubernetes makes it easier to run tests and reuse experiments in staging and production.
  • The more chaos tests are run, the less expensive and more normal they become in the development workflow.
  • Using chaos engineering tools in all phases of development and with multiple components will improve application quality and resilience.