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Authors: Mritunjay Sharma, Stephen Adeniyi, Anushka Mittal, Frank Jogeleit

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the Policy Reporter tool for Kubernetes and its features, including a graphical user interface, monitoring solutions, and real-time notifications. The speaker also mentions future plans for the tool and encourages community involvement.
  • Policy Reporter is a tool for Kubernetes that provides a graphical user interface for viewing violations found in policy reports
  • The tool includes monitoring solutions and real-time notifications for violations
  • Future plans for the tool include mapping custom resource definitions and automating the process using a CLI, as well as creating a Kubernetes control catalog
  • Users can build their own adapters for their policy engines as long as the results are mapped to a policy report
  • The speaker encourages community involvement through mailing lists, Slack channels, GitHub, and other social media handles