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Authors: Priyanka Saggu, Mario Jason Braganza

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the anatomy and examples of Brow Jobs in the Kubernetes project, emphasizing the importance of testing and maintaining infrastructure.
  • Brow Jobs are periodic, presubmit, and postsubmit jobs that help automate testing and deployment in the Kubernetes project
  • The anatomy of a Brow Job includes fields such as name, interval, cluster, and job type
  • Examples of Brow Jobs in the Kubernetes project include syncing enhancement proposals and tracking bugs
  • Testing and maintaining infrastructure is crucial for the success of Brow Jobs and requires collaboration and communication among team members
Authors: Michelle Shepardson, Antonio Ojea Garcia, Chao Dai, Benjamin Elder

SIG Testing is the special interest group for the test tooling and infrastructure of the Kubernetes project. The SIG maintains Prow (Kubernetes's CI), KIND, kubetest, the e2e-framework, and related tools. In this session the SIG Testing leads will provide an introduction to the SIG and an overview of how to contribute. They will share the work done over the past year The session will conclude with Q&A.
Authors: Nabarun Pal, Arsh Sharma

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the benefits of using Prow for collaboration in open source projects and provides a guide on how to set it up.
  • Prow ensures a consistent experience across repositories in an organization
  • Chat ops based interaction makes it easy to use for non-experts
  • Prow is new contributor friendly
  • Guide on how to set up Prow for use in open source projects