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Authors: Jeff Zemerick

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Bringing NLP capabilities to Apache Solr through ONNX and OpenNLP
  • Apache OpenNLP is a Java-based NLP tool that has been around for over a decade and offers various capabilities such as tokenization, document classification, and named entity recognition
  • Apache Solr depends on Apache Lucene for search functionality, and Apache Lucene has a dependency on Apache OpenNLP for some NLP operations
  • The ONNX Runtime allows for the use of deep learning models across programming languages, architectures, and platforms, enabling the use of NLP services created in other languages
  • The speaker demonstrates how a deep learning model trained using PyTorch or Tensorflow can be used for inference from a Java search stack of Apache OpenNLP, Apache Lucene, and Apache Solr
  • The speaker discusses the challenges and relationships between OpenNLP, Lucene, and Solr, and provides resources for attendees to get started with these open source projects