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Authors: Eli Nesterov

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the keys to a successful SPIRE rollout in production, based on learnings from multiple successful production deployments and commonly asked questions in SPIFFE/SPIRE Slack channels.
  • Understand trust boundaries and how they map into SPIFFE trust domains
  • Consider how this mapping affects your PKI and where to store keys
  • Federation between independent SPIFFE systems can affect performance and bundle size
  • Investment into building your own system depends on how much you trust it
  • Consider architecture patterns, deployment models, logging, monitoring, security, availability, and performance topics when moving from proof of concept to production
Authors: Andrew Harding

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of SPIFFE/SPIRE for cross-cluster authentication in Kubernetes.
  • SPIFFE is a set of specifications for getting a cryptographic identity for workloads to authenticate with other workloads
  • SPIRE is a tool that implements SPIFFE specifications
  • Cross-cluster authentication is complicated, but can be solved with SPIFFE/SPIRE
  • The presentation includes a live coding and demo session to show how easy it is to use SPIFFE/SPIRE in Kubernetes workloads