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Authors: Marek Siarkowicz

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses model-based testing for verifying the correctness of distributed systems, using HCD as an example. The model is simplified but can get complicated, and the testing is fragile if there are bugs or optimizations. The presentation also mentions the possibility of generalizing the model-based testing beyond HCD.
  • Model-based testing is great for testing generic approaches to correctness and separates validation from execution
  • The model can be simplified but can get complicated, and the testing is fragile if there are bugs or optimizations
  • The state increases exponentially, making the test fragile
  • The model can be generalized beyond HCD
  • The testing can validate the operations or the model and generate a report
  • The presentation includes an anecdote about using fail points to test HCD and finding a durability issue
Authors: David Korczynski, Adam Korczynski

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The importance of integrating fuzzing into open source software (OSS) development to identify security vulnerabilities and improve code quality
  • Fuzzing involves generating random inputs to test software for bugs and vulnerabilities
  • Integrating fuzzing into OSS development can save CPU resources and improve code quality
  • Fuzzing can identify security vulnerabilities, such as unauthenticated control plane denial of service attacks
  • Tools like Fast Introspector can help identify complex code and entry points for fuzzing
  • Improving tool support and identifying security issues in memory safe languages are priorities for organizations
  • Collaboration and sponsorship from maintainers, the CNCF, and the Open Source Technology Improvement Fund are important for advancing fuzzing in OSS development