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Authors: Dolis Sharma

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the benefits and challenges of Infrastructure as Code (IAC) and how Crossplane can address these challenges by using Kubernetes API to provision and manage infrastructure.
  • IAC eliminates human errors and reduces costs by automating infrastructure deployment and management
  • Configuration drift can occur in manual deployment and management, which can jeopardize deployment cycles and increase project vulnerability
  • Crossplane uses Kubernetes API and declarative approach to automate infrastructure deployment and management, ensuring consistency and alignment between developers and operations
  • However, there are security risks associated with IAC, and bridging the gap between DevOps and SecOps can be a challenge
  • Crossplane addresses these challenges by using Version Control configuration, providing visibility and applying guardrails and rules
  • Crossplane can create infrastructure and policies using simple YAML files, such as EC2 instances and S3 buckets
  • Composite resources can be used to create more complex infrastructure, such as EKS clusters
  • Crossplane extends the functionality of Kubernetes clusters and provides self-service to developers