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Authors: Wei Huang, Chen Wang, Yuan Chen, Yibo Zhuang

kube-scheduler is a key component of kubernetes. It has evolved with many new features over the years. In order to better use and manage kubernetes to meet practical needs of today’s increasingly diverse workloads in large production clusters with complex configurations, it’s essential to understand how kube-scheduler works, what features are available, and how to properly configure and manage them. This tutorial will review the basics of kube-scheduler, including kube-scheduler basic features, scheduling framework, scheduler plugins and profiles, how to configure kube-scheduler with different parameters, plugins and multiple profiles, and how to test and evaluate kube-scheduler on a local machine and in a cluster. The tutorial will present the latest scheduling features and how to use them. Advanced topics such as bin-packing, scheduling scalability, batch support, and how to extend the default kube-scheduler with custom scheduler plugins will be introduced too. The tutorial includes demos and hands-on sessions and is suited for kubernetes administers, users and developers, from beginning to advanced levels. The audience is expected to come prepared with a personal laptop with kubernetes, e.g., Minikube, installed.