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Authors: Joe Betz

Have you ever operated a Kubernetes cluster for multiple developers? If you have, you probably realized quickly that things are going to be a lot smoother if you could just enforce some basic conventions. Maybe all your services have a well defined endpoint for the liveness probe but developers sometimes forget to set it up. Or maybe developers should always use a semantic version tag on their containers and avoid :latest. Or maybe there is a deprecated Kubernetes API field and you'd like to ensure it is never used in your cluster. In this talk we will run through a series of easy solutions to help enforce conventions using only YAML. You have a lot more control that you might realize. Learn from a Kubernetes contributor involved in the development of numerous extensibility features including CRDs, admission webhooks and admission policies. We will show you some handy tricks and leveraging new features including new features like Validating Admission Policies alpha API introduced in 1.26.