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Conference:  Transform X 2021
Authors: Beena Ammanath, Karen Silverman, Caroline Lair, Kay Firth-Butterfield

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The speaker discusses a loose framework for responsible AI development and highlights the importance of accountability, behavioral alignment, continuous monitoring, and documentation. Startups are also mentioned as important players in the responsible AI space.
  • Startups are important players in the responsible AI space and often have the most to lose by getting it wrong
  • A loose framework for responsible AI development includes accountability, behavioral alignment, continuous monitoring, and documentation
  • Developers should ask boundary and purpose questions to ensure the tool is aligned with desired outcomes
  • Incentives should be aligned with desired outcomes to avoid undermining the development process
  • Continuous monitoring is important to stay vigilant around the actual impact of the tools
  • Documentation is important to demonstrate the seriousness with which responsible AI is taken
  • Frameworks for responsible AI development are necessary until regulations are developed, adopted, and tested