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Authors: Stephen Batifol, Ed Shee

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Creating a machine learning platform that optimizes for both data metrics and business metrics is a challenge. The platform should be easy to launch and iterate, have common tooling and infrastructure, and prioritize automation and monitoring. The goal is to make machine learning a core business component.
  • Disconnect between data metrics and business metrics is a challenge for data scientists
  • Machine learning platform should optimize for both data metrics and business metrics
  • Platform should be easy to launch and iterate
  • Common tooling and infrastructure is important
  • Automation and monitoring should be prioritized
  • Machine learning should be a core business component
Authors: Dylan Wilder Patterson, Haytham Abuelfutuh

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the differences between DevOps and ML Ops, and how Flight can help with ML Ops workflows.
  • ML Ops has different requirements than DevOps, such as dealing with large amounts of data and longer processing times
  • Flight is a platform that can help with ML Ops workflows, providing features such as composition, caching, and validation
  • Flight can handle individual containers for task execution environments, but not yet streaming data
  • Flight has been well-received by data scientists for its ease of use and out-of-the-box parallelism