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Authors: Dawn Foster

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The talk discusses ways to build a sustainable contributor base for CNCF projects and prevent maintainer burnout.
  • Maintaining an open source project is hard work and can lead to maintainer burnout.
  • Proactive and specific requests for help can motivate contributors.
  • Moving people into Emeritus roles can recognize their hard work and allow them to step away from day-to-day responsibilities.
  • Developing a sustainable contributor growth strategy involves onboarding new contributors, promoting them into leadership positions, and getting help with different types of contributions.
  • Breaking out of the vicious cycle of fewer contributors and less time for onboarding requires strategic thinking about where to start.
  • The CNCF has resources and templates available to help build a sustainable contributor base.
  • The talk encourages carving out one hour a week to improve onboarding docs, contribution guides, project governance, or helping others learn something new.