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Authors: Ritu Sood, Cathy Zhang

Deploying, monitoring, and managing complex applications across multiple clusters is a challenging task. A complex application is usually composed of multiple microservices that need to be deployed to different clusters based on the criteria like latency, bandwidth, local context, etc. Some microservices need to be replicated in multiple geo-locations. Some microservices have cross-cluster dependencies. Some of these microservices deployed across different clusters may also need to communicate with each other securely. Furthermore, various infrastructure-related configurations need to be done in order for some microservices to function properly. To reduce the operational cost of deploying and managing these complex applications, automation is a must, and the goal is to achieve zero-touch deployments. In this talk, we'll examine the landscape of available solutions such as Kubedge, ArgoCD, Karmada, EMCO, etc. and provide an in-depth analysis of each of them.