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Authors: Clara Andress

Cyber Security has many diverse fields within it, from helping engineers learn secure coding principles to securing networks and hosts. By the end of this talk, you will understand the differences between some of these paths, how to leverage existing skills, and how to level up and learn new skills to help you on the road to becoming a cyber security professional.
Authors: José Santos

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses a network-aware framework for workload scheduling in Kubernetes clusters, which aims to reduce latency and improve performance.
  • The network-aware framework uses a combination of plugins and algorithms to optimize workload scheduling based on network topology and bandwidth resources.
  • The framework includes an application group and network topology controller, load watcher component, and a scheduler with filtering and scoring functions.
  • The framework was tested with the Redis cluster application and was able to improve throughput by 20% on average.
  • The framework is not yet production-ready but is expected to be included in the Seek scheduling community in the next few months.
  • Future plans include adding a plugin for monitoring bandwidth and dynamically adjusting workload scheduling based on real-time network congestion.
  • An anecdote was provided demonstrating the performance improvement of the online boutique application with the network-aware framework compared to the default Kubernetes scheduler.