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Authors: Alejandro Saucedo

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the need for collaboration and standardization in metadata operations for end-to-end data and machine learning platforms.
  • The goal is to achieve end-to-end interoperability at scale through collaboration and standardization.
  • Practitioners at every stage of the MLOps and DataOps lifecycle should collaborate to come up with standards.
  • The creation of bad standards is worse than having no standards at all.
  • Standardization should focus on interfaces, metrics, and operational considerations.
  • Tools like ml server, seldom core, and kubernetes can help abstract data science from operations.
Authors: Natalie Arellano, Sambhav Kothari

Cloud Native Buildpacks makes building container images a breeze. It comes with out-of-the-box support for rebasing, reproducibility, multiple entrypoints and more! In this talk we’ll uncover the magic that the lifecycle - the binary at the heart of CNB - uses to convert source code into OCI images.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!