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Authors: Deepthi Sigireddi, ALKIN TEZUYSAL, Andrew Mason, Malcolm Akinje

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Vitess is a cloud-native storage solution that can scale indefinitely. It was initially developed as a MySQL scaling solution at YouTube but has evolved into a cloud-native database with CNCF graduated project. Vitess is highly scalable, available, and runs on any configuration. It consists of multiple physical databases and for each of those physical databases, a component called a vt tablet takes over the management of those physical databases. Traffic to the Vitess cluster is routed through another component called vtgate, which serves as a gateway to the cluster. Applications interact with vtgate as if it were a single MySQL instance. VTAdmin is the next generation of tooling and UIs for managing large-scale, multi-cluster Vitess deployments, built for developers and operators alike.
  • Vitess is a cloud-native storage solution that can scale indefinitely
  • Vitess is highly scalable, available, and runs on any configuration
  • Vitess consists of multiple physical databases and for each of those physical databases, a component called a vt tablet takes over the management of those physical databases
  • Traffic to the Vitess cluster is routed through another component called vtgate, which serves as a gateway to the cluster
  • Applications interact with vtgate as if it were a single MySQL instance
  • VTAdmin is the next generation of tooling and UIs for managing large-scale, multi-cluster Vitess deployments, built for developers and operators alike