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Authors: Neethu Elizabeth Simon, Scott Thomas

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Converting an old-school textile inspection machine into a smart system using AI/ML is effective and affordable even in the commodity fabric manufacturing industry.
  • Textile inspection is traditionally labor-intensive and error-prone.
  • Computer vision-based AI/ML solution using open source tools was developed for textile defect detection during the fabric inspection process.
  • Old-school manual fabric inspection machine was successfully integrated with cameras and open source AI/ML tools running on high-performance compute device.
  • Reasonably priced system was affordably applied to a much lower cost labor-intensive industry without expensive retooling or excessively high-priced technology.
  • Implementation and integration challenges encountered during design and development of this unique solution were resolved.
  • Model worked but was not scalable enough and was sensitive to folds and creases.
  • Inferencing was good but the system was not robust enough to handle high motor speed.