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Authors: Sheng Yang, Joshua Moody

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Longhorn is a cloud-native distributed block storage solution for Kubernetes, providing an opinionated solution to cover different storage topology, data protection, and data services like snapshots, replication, encryption, backup restore, disaster recovery, etc.
  • Longhorn is a reliable and crash-consistent storage solution for Kubernetes clusters
  • Longhorn is designed to be easy to use with one-click installation and a polished user interface
  • Longhorn is maintainable and easy to recover in worst-case scenarios
  • Longhorn provides multiple layers of protection against data loss, including built-in snapshots and efficient backups to external S3 storage
  • Longhorn is designed to be highly available and scalable with auto-scaling and separate node pools for control plane, stable set, and transient set