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Authors: Tobias Giese, Sean Schneeweiss

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the migration of 700 clusters to Cluster API for central cluster management and the lessons learned from the process.
  • Cluster API provides central cluster management for the complete life cycle of a cluster.
  • The migration process involved transitioning from a legacy provisioning architecture to Cluster API.
  • Zero downtime was a crucial requirement during the migration process.
  • Testing and bug fixing were important steps in the migration process.
  • The platform is under constant construction with feature improvements and bug fixing.
  • The team plans to implement additional Cluster API features and offer public clouds to users.
  • The migration process took around a year to complete.
Authors: David Ansari

RabbitMQ is one of the most widely deployed open source message brokers. It is popular for its flexible routing topologies, high scale throughput and support for multiple messaging protocols. This talk presents RabbitMQ on Kubernetes. It gives an introduction to the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator on how to reliably operate RabbitMQ clusters. It provides best practices about monitoring and upgrading RabbitMQ while millions of messages flow through the broker. The presentation covers the Messaging Topology Operator and its use cases to declaratively deploy RabbitMQ resources such as queues, exchanges, and bindings. The session ends with an update of newly released RabbitMQ features and an outlook of what the community can expect of RabbitMQ on Kubernetes in 2022.