
Navigating the Delivery Lifecycle with Keptn


Authors:   Ana Medina, Brad McCoy, Meha Bhalodiya, Giovanni Liva


The presentation discusses the use cases and benefits of the Captain Kubernetes deployment lifecycle management toolkit, which provides observability and automation for Kubernetes deployments.
  • Captain Kubernetes provides observability and automation for Kubernetes deployments
  • Use cases include preventing bad deployments during maintenance windows, supporting quality gates, and running evaluations after deployments
  • Captain Kubernetes allows for monitoring and tracing of application deployments across different stages
  • The Captain metric server brings observability directly into the cluster by exposing Kubernetes native metrics
  • This allows for configuration of HPA, Argo Rollout, and Flux to use Kubernetes native metrics
Captain Kubernetes allows for easy monitoring and tracing of application deployments across different stages. For example, if an error occurs in production, developers can drill down into the traces to see why the issue wasn't caught in development. Additionally, Captain Kubernetes provides a Captain metric server which brings observability directly into the cluster by exposing Kubernetes native metrics. This allows for easy configuration of HPA, Argo Rollout, and Flux to use Kubernetes native metrics without querying an external tool.


Join Keptn maintainers for an introduction to the Keptn project and how it set sail to be an incubating Kubernetes-native delivery tool. This session will start by sharing our experience navigating the Cloud Native world and the change the project had to go through. For that, we will introduce the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit, a new sub-project that promises to support users with pipeline-less delivery integrated seamlessly into your own GitOps toolchain while bringing observability into your application lifecycle. Then, we will present the latest and greatest features with a roadmap for what's next. Finally, we'll provide information on how you can get involved as an end-user or contributor to help us with feedback on the project's future direction.


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