
Keptn Beyond 1.0: Sailing into the Future


Authors:   Ana Medina, Andreas Grabner, Thomas Schuetz, Brad McCoy


After reaching the incubating status, the Keptn community is looking towards the bright future of the project. What lands lie ahead in the Cloud Native seas? And how do we plan to help day 2 operations?Keptn integrates with most of the great projects in the CNCF landscape (and beyond) that help teams to deliver and operate their cloud native workloads. The integration happens through open event standards (CloudEvents, CDEvents) which is why Keptn makes it easy to connect tools and orchestrate the application lifecycle regardless of your toolchains. What could make Keptn better? Upstreaming and generalizing the best of it!In this talk we’ll talk about new initiatives in the project: standardizing deployment events and APIs on the Kubernetes level, Keptn Lifecycle Controller for pre- and post-deployment checks, making SLOs accessible through Keptn Lighthouse and OpenSLO, and new hot integrations with other tools from the cloud native landscape.
