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Authors: Ana Medina, Brad McCoy, Meha Bhalodiya, Giovanni Liva

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use cases and benefits of the Captain Kubernetes deployment lifecycle management toolkit, which provides observability and automation for Kubernetes deployments.
  • Captain Kubernetes provides observability and automation for Kubernetes deployments
  • Use cases include preventing bad deployments during maintenance windows, supporting quality gates, and running evaluations after deployments
  • Captain Kubernetes allows for monitoring and tracing of application deployments across different stages
  • The Captain metric server brings observability directly into the cluster by exposing Kubernetes native metrics
  • This allows for configuration of HPA, Argo Rollout, and Flux to use Kubernetes native metrics
Authors: Brad McCoy, Meha Bhalodiya

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the experience of contributing to open source projects, particularly through Google Summer of Code (GSoC), and the benefits it brings to both mentors and mentees.
  • The speaker shares her experience of contributing to Jenkins through GSoC
  • The CDF community is welcoming and supportive of new contributors
  • Goal setting, time commitment, and communication are important factors in successful contributions
  • Imposter syndrome is a common challenge for mentees
  • Anyone can be a mentor regardless of their level of expertise
  • Matching the right project is crucial for successful contributions
Authors: Ana Medina, Andreas Grabner, Giovanni Liva

Download the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit ahead of time. Please have your own k8s cluster (on the workstation or in the loud) and come with the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit installed. DCO Required.Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit provided automated observability and orchestrate-ability for any type of Kubernetes Workload Deployment. For the orchestration part, Keptn provides pre- and post- deployment hooks which can execute so called Keptn Tasks or Keptn Evaluations. Those tasks can be implemented through a TypeScript function. The contribfest would be a great opportunity to build/hack new integrations to other projects in CNCF, e.g: testing or observability tools for post deployment validation, ticketing tools for post deployment notifications, security tools for automated scanning. Those integrations would be listed in a library of available Keptn Tasks for all Keptn users to consume and therefore easily integrate their favorite CNCF (as well as non CNCF) tools into their deployment lifecycle.This Contribfest session is designed to provide projects with the space and resources to tackle outstanding technical debt, security issues, or outstanding impactful feature requests. They are intended to provide a place for maintainers to meet contributors and potential contributors and work together on solving a problem.
Authors: Ana Medina, Andreas Grabner, Thomas Schuetz, Brad McCoy

After reaching the incubating status, the Keptn community is looking towards the bright future of the project. What lands lie ahead in the Cloud Native seas? And how do we plan to help day 2 operations?Keptn integrates with most of the great projects in the CNCF landscape (and beyond) that help teams to deliver and operate their cloud native workloads. The integration happens through open event standards (CloudEvents, CDEvents) which is why Keptn makes it easy to connect tools and orchestrate the application lifecycle regardless of your toolchains. What could make Keptn better? Upstreaming and generalizing the best of it!In this talk we’ll talk about new initiatives in the project: standardizing deployment events and APIs on the Kubernetes level, Keptn Lifecycle Controller for pre- and post-deployment checks, making SLOs accessible through Keptn Lighthouse and OpenSLO, and new hot integrations with other tools from the cloud native landscape.
Authors: Johannes Bräuer, Michael Beemer

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Captain is an orchestration layer that separates tooling from the process to simplify complex automation pipelines. OpenFeature enables standardization and vendor-agnostic feature flagging.
  • Captain is an application lifecycle orchestrator that separates the process from the underlying tooling to simplify complex automation pipelines
  • Captain reduces automation code by 90% and comes with SRE best practices like SLO validations built-in
  • OpenFeature enables standardization and vendor-agnostic feature flagging
  • Both Captain and OpenFeature have active communities and can be accessed through QR codes or their respective websites
Authors: Andrea Frittoli

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of standardization and event-driven architecture in the context of continuous delivery (CD) and software supply chain.
  • The CD Events Special Interest Group (SIG) was formed to create a shared vocabulary for CD and software supply chain in a protocol-agnostic way.
  • The group focuses on four logical buckets for events: core packets, source code version control, continuous integration, and continuous deployment.
  • Events are data records expressing an occurrence and its context, and they help create loosely coupled integration between different tools in the ecosystem.
  • CD events play an important role in creating visibility across distributed workflows.
  • A proof of concept was built to test the assumptions and demonstrate the benefits of CD events in a concrete scenario.