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Authors: Ana Medina, Andreas Grabner, Giovanni Liva

Download the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit ahead of time. Please have your own k8s cluster (on the workstation or in the loud) and come with the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit installed. DCO Required.Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit provided automated observability and orchestrate-ability for any type of Kubernetes Workload Deployment. For the orchestration part, Keptn provides pre- and post- deployment hooks which can execute so called Keptn Tasks or Keptn Evaluations. Those tasks can be implemented through a TypeScript function. The contribfest would be a great opportunity to build/hack new integrations to other projects in CNCF, e.g: testing or observability tools for post deployment validation, ticketing tools for post deployment notifications, security tools for automated scanning. Those integrations would be listed in a library of available Keptn Tasks for all Keptn users to consume and therefore easily integrate their favorite CNCF (as well as non CNCF) tools into their deployment lifecycle.This Contribfest session is designed to provide projects with the space and resources to tackle outstanding technical debt, security issues, or outstanding impactful feature requests. They are intended to provide a place for maintainers to meet contributors and potential contributors and work together on solving a problem.
Authors: Brandon Wagner, Nick Tran

Kubernetes (k8s) has enabled applications to be mostly agnostic to the underlying VM infrastructure it is running on. Many clusters can benefit from the cost savings of utilizing spare VM capacity offerings commonly called Spot. In this session, we will discuss some of the best practices for utilizing spot capacity within a k8s cluster and some of the tools that will make your life easier managing the underlying VM infrastructure.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
Authors: Saim Safdar

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The speaker shares their experience of running a local CNCF chapter in Islamabad and how it helped them overcome the challenge of learning cloud-native technologies. They also discuss the importance of building a community and collaborating with others in the open-source world.
  • The speaker struggled to learn cloud-native technologies due to a lack of people around them who were knowledgeable about it.
  • Building a local CNCF chapter helped the speaker overcome their shyness and learn more about cloud-native technologies.
  • The CNCF provided resources such as a website, registration process, and live stream platform to help the speaker establish their community.
  • The speaker gained knowledge about cloud-native vocabulary, success stories, and how others learn and build products on top of Kubernetes.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and building a community in the open-source world.
  • The speaker offers to help others build their own local communities and provides contact information for further discussion.
Authors: Andreas Grabner

Moving to k8s doesn’t prevent anyone from bad architectural decisions leading to performance degradations, scalability issues or violating your SLOs in production. In fact – building smaller services running in pods connected through service meshes are even more vulnerable to bad architectural or implementation choices. To avoid any bad deployments, the CNCF project Keptn provides automated SLO-based Performance Analysis as part of your CD process. Keptn automatically detects architectural and deployment changes that have a negative impact to performance and scalability. It uses SLOs (Service Level Objectives) to ensure your services always meet your objectives. The Keptn team has also put out SLO best practices to identify well known performance patterns that have been identified over the years analyzing hundreds of distributed software architectures deployed on k8s. Join this session and learn what these patterns are and how Keptn helps you prevent them from entering production.