
Crossplane Intro And Deep Dive - The Cloud Native Control Plane Framework


Authors:   Jared Watts, Nic Cope, Matthias Luebken, Bob Haddleton


Crossplane is a Kubernetes add-on that enables users to manage infrastructure across multiple cloud providers and on-premises environments.
  • Crossplane can manage any infrastructure in any environment.
  • Crossplane represents cloud provider resources and infrastructure as objects in the Kubernetes API.
  • Crossplane generates events that tell the story of the infrastructure.
  • Crossplane uses the Kubernetes runtime, Kubernetes API Machinery, and the controller runtime to implement reconciliation of cloud provider resources.
  • Crossplane is moving towards full graduation with the CNCF in early 2023.
Crossplane allows users to manage any infrastructure in any environment, making it a powerful tool for DevOps teams. For example, a team could use Crossplane to manage an S3 bucket in AWS, a database in Google Cloud, and a cache in Azure, all from the Kubernetes control plane. This simplifies infrastructure management and reduces the need for multiple tools and interfaces. Additionally, Crossplane generates events that tell the story of the infrastructure, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and understand how the infrastructure is operating.


The maintainers of Crossplane, a CNCF Incubating project, will lead this session that will introduce the project to new attendees, as well as dive into the finer details of Crossplane’s functionality and roadmap. We will explain how Crossplane enables you to compose cloud infrastructure and services into your custom platform APIs, and how best to get started building a platform of your own. We will take a tour through the key features included in the latest releases, what problems and use cases they are solving, and how you can adopt them into your control planes. Finally, there will be an interactive opportunity to engage with the maintainers, ask questions, and influence the future of the project direction.


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