
Enterprise Cloud Native Artifact Registry


Authors:   Daojun Zhang, Yan Wang, Chenyu Zhang, Vadim Bauer


Harbor is an open source cloud-native registry project that stores, manages, signs, and scans content to solve common OCI artifact management challenges. The presentation covers advanced features of Harbor such as OCI artifact management in cloud environments, management of artifacts and their attachments, recommended settings for high concurrent use, and high availability deployments. The team also seeks feedback from users and contributors on current features and future roadmap.
  • Harbor is a trusted cloud-native registry that can store, sign, and scan content
  • Harbor supports any OCI-compatible artifacts
  • Harbor provides advanced features such as OCI artifact management in cloud environments, management of artifacts and their attachments, recommended settings for high concurrent use, and high availability deployments
  • Harbor is highly customizable and can be monitored using Prometheus
  • Harbor will deliver system-level robot accounts in addition to project-level robot accounts
  • Harbor is an open-source project with a thriving community
Harbor was created in 2014 to address issues encountered when using Docker Hub and other public registries. Over time, Harbor has added more services and features related to lifecycle management, security features like scanning and signing images, and recently, image distribution through P2P and proxy cache. The project has a thriving community with over 13k GitHub stars, 200+ committers, and 50+ contributing companies. The team seeks feedback from users and contributors on current features and future roadmap.


Project Harbor is an open source trusted cloud-native registry project that stores, manages, signs and scans content to solve common OCI artifact management challenges. It has been widely used by organizations large and small around the world to address container image and other OCI-compatible artifact management challenges. In this presentation, we will cover some advanced features using Harbor such as OCI artifact management in cloud environments, management of artifacts and their attachments (cosign, nydus), recommended settings for high concurrent use, and high availability deployments. In addition, the team would like to get feedback from users and contributors on current features and future roadmap.


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