
Harbor - Enterprise Cloud Native Artifact Registry

Authors:   Daniel Jiang, Yan Wang


Harbor 2.3 release focuses on improving performance and stability
  • Harbor 2.3 release aims to address growing pains in performance and stability
  • Harbor has been constantly evolving and adding new features, but it's time to step back and deal with the growing pains
  • Harbor has teamed up with the community users to improve performance and stability
  • Harbor operator provides a simple way for users to deploy a high available full stack with one command
  • Harbor provides a wealth of metrics exposed via permissive endpoints to monitor hardware components
  • Harbor 2.2 provides a prefix configuration that can be updated to any screen without any distributions
  • Harbor's stability is a key feature for operating a service in production
  • Harbor provides a flexible way to configure existing storage services
  • Harbor operator will have more custom resources for day two operation in future releases
The Harbor 2.3 release aims to address the growing pains in performance and stability. As user data such as artifacts and job records grow, issues in performance and stability arise. To deal with this, Harbor has teamed up with community users to improve performance and stability. The Harbor operator provides a simple way for users to deploy a high available full stack with one command. Additionally, Harbor provides a wealth of metrics exposed via permissive endpoints to monitor hardware components. Harbor's stability is a key feature for operating a service in production. To illustrate this, imagine a company that relies on Harbor to operate their service in production. If Harbor experiences performance or stability issues, it could result in downtime for the company's service, leading to lost revenue and customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, it's important for Harbor to prioritize stability in their releases.


Harbor is a CNCF graduated project, which help enterprise distribute and manage cloud native artifacts. We’ll use this session to give audience an overview of this project and the community we built around it. We’ll talk about Harbor’s key features and use cases, the latest updates introduced in the most recent release. In addition to that, we’ll give a sneak peek about the development that is working in progress in this project. We’ll also use this session to discuss with the users regarding the challenges the project is facing and share our thoughts on how to tackle them.



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