
An Introduction to the Financial Services User Group

Authors:   Michael Lieberman, Scott Surovich


The Financial Services User Group is working to adopt cloud native technologies while maintaining compliance and security standards. They are collaborating with vendors and project maintainers to better understand their challenges and use cases, and to provide feedback on tools and features that help them prove compliance. The group is also looking to hire engineers to help transform their organizations and make them more open source friendly.
  • Financial services companies face challenges in adopting cloud native technologies while maintaining compliance and security standards
  • The Financial Services User Group is collaborating with vendors and project maintainers to better understand their challenges and use cases
  • The group is providing feedback on tools and features that help them prove compliance
  • They are looking to hire engineers to help transform their organizations and make them more open source friendly
  • The group is working on a white paper to inform project maintainers and vendors on their high level requirements
  • They want to work with the CNCF and other organizations to develop standards and best practices
Financial services companies face unique challenges in adopting cloud native technologies due to regulatory and legal requirements. The Financial Services User Group is working to address these challenges by collaborating with vendors and project maintainers to better understand their needs and provide feedback on tools and features that help them prove compliance. They are also looking to hire engineers who can help transform their organizations and make them more open source friendly. By working together and sharing their challenges and use cases, the group hopes to shape the development of cloud native technologies to better fit their needs.


The Financial Services User Group is looking to increase collaboration with the technology community. Whether you are working in FinServ, a vendor or just interested in learning more about how financial institutions approach cloud native, come join us to find out more about the FSUG, what our goals are and how we plan to achieve them. Find out about the often unique challenges financial services organizations face in the cloud native space and how we are beginning to collaborate with the broader community including open source projects, vendors and our peers. We want to help solve the shared technology problems of financial services. FinServ has a reputation of not being open in the tech community. We hope through this introduction and the broader work of the FSUG to change that.

